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112 types of products have participated in the “One commune, one product” program Update 08-01-2020 04:19
The Standing Committee of Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee has just issued a guiding document on how to strengthen the leadership and direction of the implementation of the National Program of “One commune, one product” in Dong Nai province.

The “One commune, one product” program is a program for economic development in rural areas towards endogenous development and added value. The Program is also a solution as well as a task in the implementation of the national target program on new countryside construction. The program has been carried out in the province and it has initially achieved certain results. Surveys show that there are 112 types of products in the province participating in the program and production scale comes in various forms.


However, the progress of the Program is still slow compared to the reality. The quality of products participating in OCOP and the added value that are not high and introducing and advertising products are still limited due to the fact that goods are mainly produced in a small scale; chains are associated with product consumption, organic agriculture, clean agriculture, high-tech agriculture, and processing industry; especially, deep processing has not developed much; some policies in the process of organization and implementation have not been implemented in a timely and effective manner.


In order to effectively implement the Program in the coming time, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee asks levels of Party committees, Party members, unions, and concerned agencies and units to continue to fully grasp and seriously follow the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State on the significance, objectives and importance of the “One commune, one product” Program; promote propaganda activities to raise the public awareness of officials, Party members and people of the “One commune, one product” Program; focus on both leadership and direction to improve the quality and efficiency of the national “One commune, one product program” to meet development requirements; pay attention to raising leaders’ role and responsibilities; concentrate on reviewing the products with advantages and a large market demand on the basis of helping to expand production scale and set an orientation to form the products that achieve the national “One commune, one product” brand name; increase trade promotion, build a “One commune, one product” image of Dong Nai’s high quality, and safe and environmentally-friendly products; establish links and joint ventures between producers and businesses that buy, process and consume products; help with the construction and development of trademarks, brand names, geographical indications, improvement of product designs and models, and so on; enhance the application of scientific and technological advances, especially that of agricultural technology 4.0 to goods production and services, and the “One commune, one product” program; take science and technology as a key point to create a breakthrough, improve quality, and connect with brand building.


Duy Minh (N. Lan)


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