1. Labor force
Total number of households: 5,510 families
Number of people: 27,131 people
Number of people at working age: 17,261 people
- Rate of industrial labor:
2.238 people, making up 12.97 percent.
- Rate of agricultural
labor: 4,943 people,making up 28.64 percent.
- Rate of trade-services
labor: 2,820 people, making up 16.34 percent.
2. Land
Total natural land: 12,192.81 hectares -
Percentage: 100 percent
· Agricultural land area: 6.394,46 hectares
- Percentage: 52.44 percent
· Residential land area: 286.96 hectares -
Percentage: 2.35 percent
Information about the commune’s land resources
(if any):
- Land resources: yellow-grey soil, volcanic
pumice stone soil, thin layered soil and dark brown soil.
- Quality of land resources:
+ Yellow-grey soil: lightweight, less fertile and
less water retention capability.
+ Volcanic pumice stone soil: average weight,
stabilized structure, porous and rich of humus.
+ Dark brown soil: heavyweight, granulated
structure, porous, less sour, rich of humus and rich of nitrogen.
+ Thin layered soil: poor quality
3. Forest resources
Forest area: 643.44 hectares
4. Products and traditional handicraft:
Typical products: fine-art furniture, and agro
products such as cashew nuts, coffee and cassava.
Operation situation: The operation of business
and manufacturing sectors in the province remains stable.
Traditional handicraft: fine-art production.
5. Communications
The situation of communications in the commune:
- Post:
+ Land area: 300 m2; construction area: 240
m2; construction levels: level 4
+ Specialized rooms: four rooms
- Number of hamlets with Internet coverage: six
out of nine hamlets, making 66 percent
- Number of telephone set per 100 people: 88,
making up 88 percent
6. Transportation
National Highway, Provincial Road crossing the
commune: National Highway
Length of crossing roads: About six kilometers
The condition of road system in the commune: There
are three district-level roads and some three commune-level roads, and other
hamlet-level lanes.