xuandinh : Socio – economic potentials Xã An Viễn huyện Trảng Bom

 Socioeconomic Potential


Economic sector: the province’s GDP growth (price transfer of 1994) reaches an average of 16 percent compared to the plan, up 2.5 percent over the same period, including:

Agriculture: the average growth of 6 percent compared to the plan;

 Industry & Construction: the average growth of 22 percent;

Services: the average growth of 25.9 percent


- Annual crops: To take control over water sources, people are urged to replace the winter-spring rice crop with the high-yield maize crop covering ​​3 out of 5.2 ha, reaching 57 percent. The average yield reaches 7.5 tons per ha, making up 100 percent of the plan. The summer-autumn rice crop covers 5.2 ha, which currently grows well, with no disease, and with an estimated yield of 0.58 tons per ha, and an output of 30.1 tons.

 * Perennials: Due to the abnormal weather conditions with prolonged drought, perennials are affected, resulting in low yield, losing some 20 percent of revenue.

- Pepper: 14 ha, the average yield of 0.315 tons per ha, with an output of 44.1 tons, making up 100 percent compared to the plan;

- Cashew: 4 ha, the average yield of 0.15 tons per ha, with an output of 6 tons, making up 100 percent compared to the plan;

- Fruit trees: 963 ha

* Rambutan: 853 ha (of which the production area spans 730 ha), the average yield of 2.08 tons per ha, with an output of 15,184 tons.

* Durian: 98 ha (of which the production area covers 98 ha), the average yield of 0.56 tons per ha, with an output of 548 tons.

+ Local people are asked to change the crop structure with the new cost-effective high-yield crops covering 140 ha, including rubber, rambutan and durian, which have been under good care and growing well.

* In the field of growing wood ear mushroom: There are 120 households with mushroom growing mediums and 400 households growing wood ear mushrooms with over 6,500,000 bags, an estimate of 55 kg per 1000 bags, yielding 357 tons valued at about VND5 billion. 325 people are employed in this field.

* Plans for taking care of and planting forest trees: the commune has planned and planted 1,100 Dipterocarpaceae trees and 400 Hopea trees along the rural transport systems.


Local people are urged to step up raising poultry and cattle. In the first 6 months, there are 115 cows, 12,160 pigs, 131,343 poultries, making up 100 percent of the plan (there are 8 poultry farms with 65,000 poultries and 15 cattle farms with 8,100 heads).

Promoting propaganda on disease poultry prevention and control among people, carrying out 100 percent disinfection spray and conducting the first-round vaccination of cattle for 3,200 heads, making up 88.8 percent and 53,433 poultries, reaching 100 percent for small farming households. As of now, no epidemics have been found.

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