Xuân Lộc - xã Xuân Định : Communal leadership information Xuân Lộc - Xuân Định

Leader's Profiles


1. Organizational Structure:      


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Full name: Nguyen Van Qua

Date of birth: August 21, 1981

Place of birth: Binh Duong

Position: Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Council

Major: The Academy of Journalism and Communication

Politics: Advanced

Phone: 0907302070



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Full name: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lien

Date of birth: October 12, 1968

Place of birth: Tien Giang

Position: Chairman of the People’s Committee

Major: Bachelor of Economics

Politics: Advanced

Phone: 0901552606


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Full name: Nguyen Thanh Huong

Date of birth: May 9, 1982

Place of birth: Thai Binh

Position: Secretary of the Party Committee

Major: University of Administrative Studies

Politics: Immediate

Phone: 0933053393 


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Full name: Ngo Viet Anh

Date of birth: May 7, 1981

Place of birth: Tien Giang

Position: Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee

Major: Bachelor of Economics

Politics: Immediate

Phone: 0934197581

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Full name: Le Thi Thanh Hien

Date of birth: October 2, 1981

Place of birth: Dong Nai

Position: Vice Chairman of the People’s Council

Major: Bachelor of Economics

Politics: Immediate degree

Phone: 01234199020


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