1. Labor resources:

Total number of households in the commune: 3,742
Total number of people: 13,342.
The number of people at their working age: 750.
+ Industrial laborers: 3.366 people.
+ Agricultural laborers: 1.308 people.
+ Trade and services laborers: 2,886 people.
2. Land:

Total natural land area: 1,773 ha.
+ Agricultural land area: 750 ha.
+ Special-use land area: 750 ha.
+ Residential land area: 158 ha.
The reality of land use: land is for growing rice
plants and vegetables.
3. Communications:
The reality of Phu Thanh commune’s communications:
+ There are Internet points in each hamlet.
+ There are post and telecommunications services
The number of telephones: 90 telephones/100 people.
4. Transport:

The national highways and provincial roads running
through Phu Thanh commune: 769 (Ly Thai To), Quach Thi Trang, and Ton Duc Thang
The length of roads running through the commune: 4
The reality of the commune’s road system:
+ The commune’s asphalted roads that coincide with
the roads under the district’s management have been asphalted.
+ Inter-hamlet roads and hamlet road axis: 10.2 km
and 9 km of asphalted roads.
+ Inter-hamlet roads: 8,790 km. The length of clean
and non-mud roads is 8,790 km and the length of concreted roads is 3,340 km.
+ The total length of roads: 28,972 km including 2.7
km of asphalted roads, 12,000 km of concreted roads, and 6,510 km of earth