1. Workforce
Total number of households in the
commune: 4266 families.
Number of people: 17,161 people.
Number of working-age people at:
11,432 people.
2. Land
Total natural land area: 4,302.26
Agricultural land: 3,549 ha
Forestry land: 419.51 ha
Specialized land: 179.13 ha
Residential land: 79.64 ha
Three main soil groups: gray
soil, black soil, and yellow soil.
Distribution zone: across the
- Natural resources: land
resources are diverse and abundant in types but poor in nutrition, prone to
nutrient loss, distributed on high areas with limited irrigation water.
Use purposes: agricultural
3. Forest resources
Forest area: 427.18 ha
Types of reforestration:
Density: Medium
Economic efficiency: good.
4. Transport
The District Road spans a total
of 19.6 km with the road width of 6 m and asphalted surface.
Road system in the commune: The
commune has 112,624 km of major roads including 19,605 km of roads managed by
the district; 15,683 km by the commune roads; 36,936 km of hamlet and village
roads and 40.4 km of lane roads.
Length of asphalted roads: 32,043
Length of dust roads: 46,837 km
and hardened road is 33,744 km.