Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Sông Nhạn : Socio-economic overview Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Sông Nhạn
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Tìm kiếm

Socio-economic overview


Geographical position compared with the district’s center:

Song Nhan commune is located in the northwest of Cam My district’s center, is 20 km from the district’s center and has a total area of ​​4787.69 ha.


Natural land area:

The commune’s total natural land area is 4,788 ha, accounting for 10.23% of the district’s land area.


Song Nhan borders on Bau Ham 2 and Lo 25 communes, Thong Nhat district, Dong Nai province to the north.


Song Nhan borders on Cam Duong commune, Long Thanh district, Dong Nai province to the south.


Song Nhan borders on Binh An commune, Long Thanh district, Dong Nai to the west.


Song Nhan borders on Xuan Que commune, Cam My district, Dong Nai province to the east.


Administrative units:

Song Nhan commune is divided into 8 hamlets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, 61, and Suoi Duc.



The commune has a relatively flat, high, and hilly terrain, which is only concentrated in some places like the east and the south and the places along rivers and streams or with a hilly terrain.

+ Average slope: about 50-80.

+ Relative slope: about 80-150.

+ Maximum slope: about 160-220.



The commune is located in the sub-equatorial tropical climate with two different seasons.


The rainy season is from May to November.


The average temperature: 25-40 Celsius degrees.


Rainfall reaches 1,956- 2,139 mm/year.


Humidity: 53%


Highest temperature: 36-39 Celsius degrees.


Lowest temperature: 16-19 Celsius degrees.


History and culture:

The commune was establishment on August 30 – 1994 and was separated from Xuan Que commune in 1994 (the former Long Khanh district).



Total population: 8,800 people and 2,034 households.


Ethnic minority groups: there are 224 ethnic minority households in the commune including Chinese Vietnamese and 1,067 people, accounting for 9% of the population.


Religions: there are two main religions: Catholicism and Buddhism.


- Catholicism: there are 3 parishes: Xuan Trieu, Xuan Nhan and Thien Phuc.


- Buddhism: there are 3 pagodas: Phap Linh, Phap Quang and An Lac and 1 another one at local residents’ home.


- 2 communal houses, 3 shrines, temples and so on.