The commune increases its attraction and transfer of
science and high technology; prioritizes its investment in the application of
biotechnology to select and create many varieties of plants and animals and the
process of growing, preserving, processing and creating a breakthrough in
productivity, quality and production efficiency; encourages all the economic
sectors to join hands in doing scientific and technological research and
transferring; attracts young people and intellectuals to work in the
countryside, especially in the fields of agriculture, health, education and
culture; enhances the capacity of the system of agricultural, forestry, and
fishery promotion, veterinary, plant protection and other rural services
systems; and establishes safe and high-tech agricultural production zones.
Also, the commune increases its training and
fostering knowledge of science and technology in advanced and modern
agricultural production among farmers; offers vocational training farmers’
children to help them to change their jobs; focuses on training to improve the
knowledge of grassroots-level managers and officials; and implements the
socialization of vocational training effectively.
Agriculture, forestry and fishery:
The commune’s growth rate of agriculture, forestry
and fishery increases by 16-17%/year; agricultural land is used economically and
effectively; agricultural development is combined with the development of
industry, services and rural professions; the production value towards general
indicators (constant prices in 2010) increases by an average of 11-12% with
agriculture and forestry reaching 8-9% and with industry and construction
reaching 18-19%.
Trade, services and tourism:
- Promoting the development of the State-owned
enterprises in trade, services and tourism; consolidating and developing trading
and services cooperatives; encouraging the development and strengthening the
management of non-state trading and services businesses.
- Organizing, arranging, planning and developing as
planned in the fields of markets, petroleum, slaughtering activities, house
rental, trading in construction materials, supplying agricultural materials and
consuming agricultural products and goods, and so on.
- Encouraging the development of a system of
investment services and services of supplying technical advances in production;
making plans to develop and exploit local tourism potential and developing
accompanying services; supplying labor and generating jobs associated with
poverty reduction policies.
- Increasing the promotion of trade, creating
conditions for goods exchanges to expand consumption and export markets for
local agricultural products.
- Attempting to achieve the growth rate of 16-17% by