The Project is to improve the system of laws,
documents and guidelines on traceability; promote the socialization of
traceability related activities for international integration, improvement of
the State management, and assurance of the quality and safety of products and
Simultaneously, it is necessary to raise the
awareness of the society, agencies, organizations and enterprises of
traceability by promoting propaganda activities, dissemination and training for
related parties; ensure the publicity and transparency of traceability
information of products and goods on the market; and provide the essential
information on and knowledge of traceability.
In particular, from now to 2020 it is essential to
review the legal documents on management, implementation, application and
settlement of the violations of traceability; build and introduce at least 5
national standards and 1 national technical regulation on traceability and
applicable guidance documents; deploy and apply a traceability system to a
number of domestic groups of products and goods such as agriculture, forestry,
fishery, food, and medicine; formulate and put into operation a national product
and goods traceability portal.
Implementing the State Prime Minister’s decision,
the Ministry of Science and Technology has just sent a written request to
Departments of Science and Technology and ask them to implement some contents of
the Project.
Specifically, it is necessary to make plans
including financial and human resources to implement the project’s contents;
disseminate propaganda and advertising activities of the benefits and importance
of the Project; implement and disseminate national standards and national
regulations on the traceability system, training and sharing experience in
applying traceability solutions and technologies of localities; build and
develop a necessary technical infrastructure for the local traceability system;
make a list of the key products and groups of products to prioritize
traceability in their localities according to market demand research, export
market priority and requirements for hygiene and safety; and stipulate the
required products to apply traceability and an appropriate roadmap on the
principle of levels of safety and feasibility and local export market’s
In addition, it is essential to develop appropriate
policies to encourage and attract businesses in the province to invest in
building a system of traceability from businesses’ funding and the assistance of
the State; assist businesses with their traceability activities; direct the
Center for Application of Science and Technology to deploy and apply local
traceability technologies and solutions.
Duy Minh (N. Lan)