Total households in the commune: 2,720 families
Number of people: 13,041 people
Number of working age people: 7,801 people
+ Rate of industrial labor: 21.46 percent
+ Rate of agricultural labor: 51.18 percent
+ Rate of trade-services labor: 27.36 percent
Total natural land area: 1,781.19 ha
Agricultural land area: 1,607.87 ha – making up 90.26 percent
Residential land area: 102.82 ha - 5.78 percent
Current land use: In general, land in the commune is utilized
thoroughly, land use structure is divided relatively properly, suitable to the commune’s
conditions and features.
The commune has two main groups of soil which is divided
into 7 types of soil.
- Red yellow soil group:
covering is 315 ha, accounting for 17.34% of the natural area, including 3
types of soil: clay-erosive permeable red soil, clay-erosive red yellow soil and
red yellow soil with shallow and thick strata on basalt.
- Dark brown soil
group: covering 1,453 ha, accounting for 80.12% of natural land, including 4
types of soil: permeable brown soil with low strata on basalt, permeable brown
soil with deep rock layers on basalt, gley brown soil with shallow and thick strata
on basalt.
Rivers and streams: 46 hectares.
Use purpose: for agriculture, favorable for planting
short-term, annual and perennial crops.
- Income generation:
90 – 100 percent of cultivated area.
Bao Hoa is located in an area with a little reserve of
groundwater. The areas located on red yellow soil weather from basalt and
groundwater is usually present at the depths of 25-30 m. In other areas
groundwater usually occurs at the depths of 80-120 m, with an average flow rate
of 0.5-1.2 l/s, and with good water quality. Currently groundwater is being
exploited for domestic use and agricultural production.
Communications facts: The commune has one base radio station
and 35 loudspeaker clusters are installed at
residential areas with the average broadcasting time of 3 hours per day.
Mobile networks and communications network ensure their coverage while Internet
connection lines have been installed in most of the central area.
The commune is crossed by National Highway 1A with 3.8 km in
length, creating favorable conditions for goods flow and passenger
road system almost covers in the commune. Currently the commune has a total of
26.3 km of inter-commune roads, communal roads, village main route, village
roads and inner-field main roads, of which asphalted or concreted roads have a
total length of 19.27 km. Inner-field main earth roads have a total length of
7.03 km.