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17 newly-established cooperatives Update 07-09-2019 06:11
According to the provincial Steering Committee for Collective Economy Development’s directive, in the first half of this year the province has established 17 new cooperatives including 1 construction cooperative, 3 handicrafts and small industry cooperatives and 2 trading and services cooperatives, achieving 51.5% of the year plans. Up to now, there have been 399 cooperatives and People’s Credit Funds and 1 Cooperative Union.

Agricultural cooperatives have continued to operate effectively


In addition, there have been 1,158 clubs and cooperative groups, increasing by 12 cooperative groups compared to 2018.


The activities of cooperatives are maintained and developed and are gradually moving towards multi-functions. The number of effective cooperatives has increased and a lot of cooperatives have been bold enough to invest in expanding and improving their provision of economic services of member households.


At present, among 19 large-field projects that have been okayed by the provincial People’s Committee, 12 are owned by cooperatives. Also, associated chains have benefited from the policies to encourage and develop cooperation, production links with consumption of agricultural products, construction of large fields, and policies to assist and connect production and consumption of  the province’s agricultural products, and so on.


Duy Minh (L. V)

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