1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery:
According to the land use planning until 2020.
+ Developing annual crop production areas:
sugarcanes and vegetables.
+ Building sugarcane material zones on an area of
800 ha.
+ To build a vegetable growing area of about 200 ha.
+ Selecting perennial crops that are suitable for
the locality such as mangosteens, rambutans, specialty crops, and Thai mangoes
on an area of about 100 hectares.
+ Maintaining stable herds of cattle and poultry and
increasing the size of pig herds.
2. Trade, Services and Travel:
+ Creating favorable conditions for organizations
and individuals of all economic sectors to invest in the production and business
activities in the field of trade and services.
+ Creating favorable conditions for production and
business facilities to establish branches or invest in the expansion of their
capacity in various forms of bringing goods and services to the countryside.