Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Lâm San : Socio-economic overview Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Lâm San

Socio-economic overview


Geographical position compared with the district’s center:

Lam San commune is located in the southeast of Cam My district’s center and is 30 km from the district’s center.


Natural land area:

The commune’s natural land area is 3,264.68 ha, accounting for 6.97% of the district’s land area


Lam San borders on Song Ray commune, Cam My district to the north.


Lam San borders on Son Binh and Binh Trung communes, Chau Duc district, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province to the south.


Lam San borders on Quang Thanh commune, Chau Duc district, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province to the west.


Lam San borders on Tan Lam commune, Xuyen Moc district, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province to the east.


Administrative units:

Lam San commune is divided into 6 hamlets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.



The commune has a flat terrain with slope of 3-80 and an area of ​​1,784 ha, accounting for 54.64% of the total natural area, and the area is currently planted with annual crops, cashew, coffee and other perennial crops.


The slope terrain accounts for 42.94% of the entire commune with the common slope of 80-150; due to a high slope, the level of water retention is poor and it is easy for erosion to occur in the rainy season; and the reality of land for planting perennial industrial crops like coffee and cashew.



The commune is located in a sub-equatorial tropical climate with two distinct rainy and sunny seasons. The rainy season starts in May and ends in late November and the sunny season starts in early December and ends in late April.


The average temperature is 25.4 Celsius degrees.


The average rainfall is 1,956-2,139 mm/year.


Humidity: 85%.


Average temperature 25.5 Celsius degrees.

Highest temperature: 33 Celsius degrees.

Lowest temperature: 18 Celsius degrees.


Culture and history:

Time of establishment:

Lam San is a commune that was newly established in 1994 and it belonged to Xuan Loc district. In 2003, it belonged to Cam My district, Dong Nai province but the land of Lam San has a long history. The name and administrative boundary of Lam San commune have also changed according to the national history and the land’s history.


During the war against the US in 1954-1975 period, today’s ​​Lam San commune and Song Ray are one of the revolutionary bases of Ba Ria - Long Khanh province including such bases as Suoi The and Song Ray, where the headquarters of the revolutionary headquarters of the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee, the Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee, the Xuan Loc District Party Committee and such army units as  Battalion 445, the troop units of the region and the area like Battalion 800, Regiment 4 at Division 5, Field Hospital K76C, Logistics Unit 814 of the region,  the provincial Security Forces, and K8 troop unit of Xuan Loc district are. During the fight against the US to liberate the country in 1954–1975 period. The Suoi The base in 1957-1972 period made significant contributions to the overall victory of the district, the province, the region and the country.


Since the liberation in 1975, thousands of people from parts of the country and ethnic minority groups across the country arrived and settled here and worked in Song Ray plantation. Then, knowing about this land of “Birds are perch in safe land”, people felt attached to this land and settled here, and more and more people stayed to make villages and hamlets.


In 1994, the government issued Decree no. 109/ND-CP on the separation of some communes in Xuan Loc district. Particularly, Lam San commune was established on the basis of separating part of the land in today’s Song Ray commune. Lam San commune’s Party Committee was established on the basis of the Party Committee 7, directly under the Party Committee of Song Ray commune.


In the past 20 years of construction and development, the Party Committee, authorities and people of Lam San commune have experienced many difficulties, obstacles and challenges but have overcome those thanks to the leadership and close direction of the province and the district. There is the solidarity from the Party Committee to local authorities and people. Currently, Lam San commune is becoming richer and more beautiful and emerging strongly with lots of progress in accordance with the country’s general development pace of the country, the province and the district.


Over the past years, the Party Committee, authorities and people of the commune have obtained a lot of achievements such as

- 1 excellent emulation unit flag of the Prime Minister

- 3 excellent emulation units flags of the provincial People’s Committee.

- 11 certificates of merit from the provincial People’s Committee.

+ The commune has 1 heroic Vietnamese mother, 12 war invalids and 39 government policy beneficiary families and people with meritorious services to the revolution.



Total population: 9,091 people.

Total number of households: 2,017.

Ethnic minority groups: there are 8 ethnic groups in the commune: Kinh, Chinese Vietnamese, Tay, Nung, Khmer, Chau ro, San Diu, and Cham including 224 ethnic minority households with 1,094 people, accounting for 12.03% of the population.

Religions: there are 4 religions with 2,024 followers, accounting for 22.26% of the commune’s population including 272 protestants, accounting for 2.99%; 1,042 Catholics, accounting for 11.46%; 700 Buddhists, accounting for 7.69%; and 10 Caodaists, accounting for 0.11%.