Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Bảo Bình : Socio – economic reality Cẩm Mỹ - Xã Bảo Bình

Socio-economic reality


Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery:

The agricultural land area in Bao Binh commune is 3470.1 ha including 1,493.5 had for planting coffee, 475.2 ha for planting pepper, 584.2 ha for planting cashew, 156 ha for planting rambutans, and 293 ha for planting durians.



In order to meet locals’ learning needs, Bao Binh has quite good facilities for education and sufficient human resources and to meet those needs, the commune has:

- Two kindergartents: Tan Xuan and Ban Kien Tuc.

- Three primary schools: Bao Binh, Nguyen Du and Suoi Cung.

- Bao Binh and Nguyen Hue high schools.


The number of teachers by grade levels: primary schools: 85 teachers; secondary schools: 77 teachers; high schools: 17 teachers; preschools: 31 teachers.

The number of students by grade levels: primary schools: 1,820 students; secondary schools: 1,528 students; high schools: 425 students; and preschools: 435 students.

At present, local schools are able to ensure teaching and learning, and complete universal education programs. Up to now, there have been no illiterate people in Bao Binh, and the universal education program for high school level has been completed.



Now, Bao Binh has 1 medical station located in the commune’s center, which has been recognized to meet national standards by the province. The station has 9 medical staffs who work at the station including: 1 doctor, 1 dentist, 3 physicians, 2 nurses, and 1 midwife and it is able to ensure initial disease examination and treatment for locals; distribute medicines and prevent epidemics in the commune; mobilize the people to sleep in mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes, and launch campaigns to kill mosquito larvae and prevent dengue fever.



Bao Binh’s culture house was built and put into operation in 2004. Every year, it organizes cultural, artistic and sporty activities, etc., which attract a large number of participants. Up to now, there have been 7 clubs: badminton, table tennis, tai-chi, traditional martial arts, Vovinam, folk dance, and volleyball.

Every year, 2 soccer tournaments and 2 volleyball tournaments are held annually, and 12-14 friendly matches are also held, which has attracted more than 3,500 audiences. Additionally, musical nights to celebrate major national holidays are held for locals and the commune has coordinated with the province’s mobile film-showing teams to show films for locals in the commune’s far - flung areas.