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The ability of the provincial-level hospitals to be increased Update 31-10-2019 11:26
The Ministry of Health has just issued Decision no. 1718/QD-BYT on the approval of the “Project on Improving Training, Technology Transfer, and Professional Skills for the Medical Units in Communes and Wards in the Period of 2019-2025” with the aim of increasing the professional skills of the medical staff in communes and wards to create a premise for the organization of a medical services supply system according to 3 professional levels; organizing a system of medical stations in communes, wards and towns associated with healthcare in schools and in accordance with each locality’s characteristics; developing the community’s emergency system and before patients are taken to hospitals.

The project sets out the goal of providing medical examination and treatment in communes and wards’ medical stations to ensure that at least 90% of communes’ health stations will be eligible for providing medical examination and treatment for health insurance patients by 2020


The project sets out the goal of providing medical examination and treatment in communes and wards’ medical stations to ensure that at least 90% of communes’ health stations will be eligible for providing medical examination and treatment for health insurance patients by 2020 and that at least 80% of the list of technical services at the medical units at commune level will be provided. Also, it is necessary to strive for 100% of communes’ medical stations to be eligible for providing medical examination and treatment for health-insurance patients and for at least 90% of the list of technical services at commune-level medical units to be provided; and to reduce the overcrowding at higher-level hospitals.


One the one hand, this project focuses on such solutions as piloting the establishment of satellite clinics of some hospitals at the district, provincial and national levels located at communes and wards’ medical stations and residential areas; providing training and transferring urgent technologies as an addition to the list of technical services and the scope of professional activities for the practitioners at communes and wards’ medical stations; prioritizing the management of non-communicable diseases. On the other hand, the project builds up a network of communes and wards’ medical stations to receive transfer technology from the doctors of higher-level hospitals, who provide medical examination and treatment, training and technology transfer to improve local healthcare; and so on.


To implement the project effectively, the Ministry of Health assigns 15 national-level hospitals to join hands in and to be responsible for sending their training officials, transferring technology, providing medical examination and treatment at communes and wards’ medical stations, and developing a list of technical services and packages of 22 specialties with the doctors who regular provide medical examination and treatment at communes and wards’ medical facilities including surgery, rehabilitation, traditional medicine, eyes, ears - nose - throat, teeth - jaw - face, dermatology, obstetrics, endocrinology, pediatrics, tuberculosis, mental illness, and so on.


For higher-level hospitals, the district’s medical center is responsible for sending their professional staff who provides training, transfers technologies, and provides medical examination and treatment at communes and wards’ medical stations. A higher-level hospital may send its staff to and give assistance to a lot of communes and wards’ medical stations. On the contrary, the medical station of a commune or a ward can receive the staff from many higher-level hospitals, who take charge of technology transfer.


The Departments of Health of provinces and cities need to make a list of the health centers with the communal and ward medical stations that would like to receive the staff that takes care of technology transfer from higher-level hospitals


In addition, the Departments of Health of provinces and cities are supposed to make a list of the health centers with the communal and ward medical stations that would like to receive the staff that takes care of technology transfer from higher-level hospitals; appraise and approve the additional lists of medical examination and treatment technologies at communal and ward medical stations as the officials from higher-level hospitals come to provide medical examination and treatment; and arrange the human resources at communal and ward medical stations to ensure the reception of professional skills and training from higher-level hospital doctors.


In the process of carrying out the projects related to health insurance, the Ministry of Health asked the health departments of 63 provinces and cities to assign their tasks to a number of communes and wards’ medical stations that are eligible for providing health-insurance medical examination and treatment services; and appraise and approve of the additional lists of medical examination and treatment technologies at communes and wards’ medical stations as  the staff from higher-level hospitals come to localities to provide medical examination and treatment.


The Departments of Health of provinces and cities are responsible for cooperating with health insurance agencies to register for initial medical examination and treatment at 5,000 to 10,000 at each commune and ward’s medical station; investing in facilities and equipment used for medical examination and treatment; directing the full supply of medicine according to the Health Ministry’s regulations on the list of medicine that are paid by the Health Insurance Fund at communal level; and ensuring a smooth settlement of health insurance payments.


Duy Minh (Dieu Linh)


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