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New countryside activities
Enhancing measures to preserve traffic safety during the rainy and flood se...
The coming rainy season is a time that causes many difficulties for river traffic routes, going by ferries and pontoon bridges, and so on. In Dong Nai, many waterway traffic routes with a large number of users have taken many measures ...
Implementing some new legal provisions in the field of transport
Dong Nai Department of Transport on July 29 convened a conference to fully grasp the government’s Decree no. 10 dated January 17, 2020 and the Ministry of Transport’s Circular no. 12 dated May 29, 2020 and had a working session with bu...
The roads constructed with socializing funds the construction of new countr...
One of the outstanding results from the movement of building a new countryside in Dong Nai province in recent years has been the fact that rural roads are built with socializing funds. Also, to carry out the campaign for people to unit...
Implementing some new legal provisions in the field of transport
The Department of Transport of Dong Nai yesterday (July 29) held a conference to thoroughly grasp the Government's Decree 10 on January 17, 2020 and Circular 12 May 29, 2020 of the Ministry of Transport. and business dialogue. Attendee...
Evaluation of wastewater treatment technology in Long Thanh town
Recently, the Department of Science and Technology of Dong Nai province held a Scientific and Technological Advisory Council to appraise two projects: "Drainage and wastewater treatment system in Long Thanh town in priority period" Don...
Enhancing measures to preserve traffic safety during the rainy and flood se...
The coming rainy season is a time that causes many difficulties for river traffic routes, ferries, pontoon bridges ... In Dong Nai, many waterway traffic routes with a large number of participants have taken many measures for people. b...
Long Thanh International Airport is expected to need more than 18,000 worke...
Above is the forecast information provided at the conference "Deploying high quality human resource training in Dong Nai province 2020, contributing to the supply of human resources for Long Thanh international airport" by the Departme...
It is necessary to simultaneously segregate waste at source
Recently, the Provincial People's Committee had a working session with departments, localities and units on the situation of waste collection and treatment in the province and the implementation of waste separation at source.
More solutions needed for an efficient use of the water resources of the Ne...
The provincial People’s Committee has just issued Plan no. 2,767 on the management, exploitation and use of the water of the New Bridge lake until 2025. The plan aims to safely, effectively, economically manage and exploit the lake’s w...
Dong Nai announced no more African swine fever cases
On March 25, Dong Nai People’s Committee sent a document to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to report on the end of African swine fever in the province.
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the People's Committee of Song Ray Commune, Cam My District, Dong Nai Province