1. Laborforce
There are 1721 households in the
commune with 9333 people. The number of working age people in the commune is
5,350, of which the majority is agricultural labor, accounting for 89 percent,
employees in the commercial sector account for 7 percent, and the remaining 4
percent is for labor in services.
2. Land
The total natural land area in
the commune is 1867.66 ha, in which the area of agricultural land covers
1,487.74 ha, prominently accounting for 79.7 percent. Forest land accounts for
9.1 percent, with the total area of 58.01 ha. Special-use land spans 45.97
ha, making up 2.5 percent of the total natural land. The rest, equivalent to
43.89 ha, is residential land, accounting for 2.4 percent.
Land resources in the commune are
mostly used for agricultural development, most of which is black soil and gravel
soil, at the depth of about 2.3 m deep, with alum and no water in dry season,
and uneven distribution. However, it is possible to grow certain crops such as
pepper, cashew, coffee, okra, cassava, and rice in some places. Every year the
agricultural land brings to the commune some agricultural products of high
economic value.
Land use in the commune is
relatively effective and there is no unused land. In recent years the area of
land used for agriculture in the commune has been relatively stable. In
addition, the commune has 501 ha of land located in the planned zone of Long
Thanh international airport. There is still no decision on land acquisition.
3. Forest resources
There is 58 ha of land used in
forestry, mainly used to grow plants such as Hopea odorata and Golden oak.
However, the density is quite sparse due to intercropped cashew. That is why
their economic efficiency is not high.
4. Tourist attractions and
historic relics
Currently in Cam Duong commune,
though there is no famous tourist attraction. But it promises that in the future
there will 2 potential tourist attractions by the name Cau Moi Lake where
tourism and recreational fishing can be developed and Rock Waterfall, which is
very attractive scenery, especially during the rainy season. In the coming time,
if the 2 sites are invested, they will be attracting a number of tourists in the
5. Communications
To meet the communication needs
in the commune, there is currently one post office in the commune. The number of
the commune's landline telephones is 910 sets per 1,721 households, which
relatively satisfies the communication needs of the commune.
6. Transport
Village road 10 crosses the
commune with a section of 3.5 km of 5m-wide asphalted road. The transport system
in the commune consists of 5 km of asphalted road and 11 km of narrow and bumpy
dirt roads, making traveling difficult.