1. Labor force
Total number of households in the ward: 4,878 people
Number of people: 21,219
Number of working age people: 17,489 people.
• Industrial labor rate: 13.03 percent
• Agricultural labor rate: 1.03 percent
• Services labor rate: 85.84 percent
2. Land
Total natural land: 921 hectares or 100 percent
• Agricultural: 281 hectares or 30.5 percent
• Specialized land: 403 hectares or 43.7 percent
• Residential area: 166 hectares or 18.02 percent
• Unused land: 18 hectares or 1.96 percent
Land use facts: Most of the agricultural land is downsized
due to the planning of Son Tien eco-tourism zone.
3. Traditional
products and craft of the ward
Product's name: Ben Go liquor
Traditional craft’s name: Ben Go Liquor Cooperative.
4. Communications
Current condition of the ward's communication system: stable
Phone number: 0613383039
5. Transport
National Highways and Provincial Roads crossing the ward:
National Highway 51
Crossing length: 5 km.
Current condition of the road system in the
ward: An Hoa ward’s village road is blanketed with hot asphalt.