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Emulation movements in the field of insurance launched Update 29-09-2020 11:16
The provincial Social Insurance has just launched the emulation movement in the period of 2020-2025 with the topics of solidarity, discipline, dynamism, creativity, and determination to reform administrative procedures to improve its public services, develop participants, increase revenues, reduce debts of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance to strive to successfully complete the targets and tasks in the period of 2020-2025.

Over the past years, the multi-contest movement in the insurance field has been positively responded to


Several main targets are set out in this period such as reaching approximately 56% of the labor force of social insurance age; about 51% of the workforce in the age group participating in unemployment insurance; 55% of people after their retirement age are entitled to a monthly pension, social insurance and social pension allowance; and the index assessing people’s satisfaction level participating in social insurance is 85%.


Social Insurance strives to correctly and fully collect social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance; fulfill assigned plans; reduce the outstanding insurance debt ratio of all types; well settle insurance regimes and policies; ensure insurance participants’ interests; fully and promptly pay medical examination and treatment expenses covered by health insurance; tightly manage medical examination and treatment fund covered by health insurance; and prevent it exceeding the estimates assigned by the government.


In addition, Social Insurance will promote IT application in administrative reform; and strengthen its communications, inspection and examination to promptly detect, prevent and deal with violations of the law on social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance.


Duy Minh (Thao Lam)


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