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Performing humanitarian activities at grassroots levels of Red Cross efficiently Update 19-06-2020 11:33
Accompanying the households with difficult living conditions in Dong Nai province, over the past years Dong Nai Red Cross has called for and offered humanitarian assistance through many meaningful charitable programs, thereby helping many families to rise and escape poverty and many students to go through hardship to go to school.

People are given support in the charitable rice programs of the local Red Cross


In recent times, the provincial Red Cross has implemented seasonal sales programs to raise funds and to help farmers under difficult circumstances to sell their output products. Accordingly, this model has started its application depending on the actual conditions in the places where this model is deployed at different levels. All levels of Red Cross will find out the market demand to sell seasonal items and agricultural products to help farmers minimize the risk of price reduction, and so on. The profit will be deposited into each unit’s Red Cross’s fund and then spent on the activities held by Red Cross. In 2019, thanks to the provincial Red Cross collected over VND22 million by selling seasonal items.


In addition, Red Cross has placed humanitarian fund boxes at the post offices of districts and cities. This program has been implemented since May 2019. To date, up to 11 humanitarian fund boxes have been placed at the post offices of districts, Long Khanh city and Bien Hoa city to raise funds to help the poor and the disabled in need; and the officials and staff of the post office system with unexpected difficulties. Units will open humanitarian fund boxes and then check, count and hand them over to the provincial Red Cross so that it assists people with unexpected difficulties. Also, humanitarian fund boxes are placed in food places with a large number of eaters, and head offices of people’s committees of communes and wards.


This model is being enthusiastically responded to. In addition, Bien Hoa city is borrowing people’s uncultivated land and fields and give them to poor households that can cultivate and raise domestic animals. At first, many land owners agreed to let the poor and those with difficult living conditions to borrow land for cultivation.


In order to create conditions for poor people’s health care, Red Cross has re-launched the model of free medical examination and treatment groups in Long Thanh district, thereby mobilizing retired doctors and nurses to join hands and become a core force in combination with volunteer nurses and doctors to give medical examination, treatment and counseling to locals. Also, grassroots-level Red Cross has mobilized more than 600 gifts worth over VND200 million for local poor and disadvantaged households on the occasion of the Year of Rat; called for the construction of 5 houses of compassion; and give regular support to 23 with particularly difficult living conditions.


Red Cross’s houses are given to the poor


In 2020, levels of Red Cross in the province aims to mobilize VND180 billion for humanitarian assistance, people’s healthcare, and scholarships for poor students. Accordingly, charity programs also flexibly implemented humanitarian assistance programs so that people can enjoy humanitarian fund and use the fund effectively in accordance with economic development conditions.


Duy Minh (Thanh Hai)


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